Video Camera Inspection Services in Forney, TX

The plumbing industry has grown substantially over the years and seen tremendous advances in leak detection. Because many of the components of plumbing systems remain hidden in walls, ceilings, and flooring, detecting leaks with the naked eye is not always possible. When plumbing problems arise, homeowners must rely on professionals for Plumbing Services. Learning about camera leak detection will help homeowners better understand their options when problems occur.

Signs There Is a Leak in a Home

While it is difficult for homeowners to know if they have a plumbing leak, there are some signs to consider. If homeowners notice any of the following signs, they should call for a Video Camera Inspection.

  • Foul odors and a musty smell in homes also indicate leaks. As leaks occur, increased moisture leads to mold and mildew growth in a home. Some types of mold can become dangerous to the occupants of homes.
  • If the leak occurs in the sewer line, homeowners may notice increased grass growth in specific areas of their yards. The sewer line leak provides fertilizer to the grass, making it greener and lusher.
  • Water damage is a telltale sign of plumbing leaks. Homeowners should inspect all components of their homes regularly to ensure they find leaks promptly.

If a homeowner notices any of the following, a plumber needs to come out for an inspection. Understanding how a camera inspection works will help homeowners prepare.

How Do Plumbers Conduct Camera Sewer Line Inspections?

In the past, plumbers were forced to dig deep into the earth and look under a home’s foundation to determine the location of a leak. Today, plumbers can send cameras down the line to find leaks quickly and easily.

First, the plumber inserts a rod with a camera attached. These cameras are flexible and snake through all types of pipes, even those only two inches in diameter. Because the video footage is sent to plumbers in real time, they can pinpoint the site of leaks efficiently and precisely.

What Are the Benefits of Camera Sewer Line Inspections?

Homeowners will experience multiple benefits from hiring a plumber to conduct a camera sewer line inspection. Consider the following before contacting these professionals for Pipe Inspection.

  • Many people accidentally lose valuables in their plumbing lines. A camera inspection can lead to plumbers finding a lost wedding ring in the line.
  • Camera inspections allow for an accurate diagnosis. Plumbers will not have to guess what is wrong because they can see it clearly on the camera.
  • Because plumbers do not have to dig through lawns, they do not have to worry about getting multiple permits. The camera allows plumbers to find the source of problems and repair them without stress.
  • One of the most common plumbing problems is breaks in the line. Sometimes, plumbing breaks are difficult to detect. A camera allows a plumber to find the exact point of the break and often determine its cause.
  • Plumbing line blockages can occur over time. Buildups of waste products coat the lines and eventually lead to blockages. A camera shows the plumber all the details of the clog and what caused it so they can take action.
  • Many homeowners seek camera plumbing inspections to ensure their plumbing systems are operating normally when they purchase a new home. Having access to this information gives homeowners peace of mind.

Common Reasons for Sewer Line Damage

Multiple issues can lead to sewer line damage. Being aware of these will help homeowners take action and call a plumber if they suspect problems.

  • Tree roots can become invasive and lead to sewer line damage.
  • Damaged pipes can result from improper installation.
  • Chemical buildups inside the lines can lead to corrosion.
  • Foreign objects are one of the most common causes of sewer line blockages.
  • Older homes with cast iron pipes can see deterioration.

Sewer lines may develop catastrophic damages over time. From collapsed structures to breaks in the lines, having a camera inspection carried out gives plumbers and homeowners detailed information on what is causing a problem before digging up the yard.

Rely On Professional Plumbers

Homeowners should not take sewer line repair into their own hands. Because they lack knowledge and the right tools and equipment, homeowners will often find themselves in over their heads.

If a homeowner notices signs of problems with their drain lines, calling a plumber will lead to proper detection and repair. These services prove invaluable to homeowners.

At KB Plumbing, we are committed to a high level of customer service. From camera inspections to toilet repair, our expert plumbers have you covered.